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How to Impress Mexican Women: Familismo

Mexican girl smiling at the camera
Acapulco Women Latina women aren’t just gorgeous and sweet, they are very family-oriented as well. | Photo by Santiago Blando on Unsplash

There will come a time in your relationship that your partner says the words that will totally transform your relationship:

“My family is eager to meet you.”


“You should meet my family.”

— Enter the beads of sweat, jitters, and the sleepless nights spent obsessing about it.

Indeed, it’s nerve-wracking to meet your partner’s parents, your potential in-laws, for the first time and even the subsequent times.

You’ll feel compelled to impress them and present yourself as the best man — no, the best potential groom — for their girl without coming off as a pushover, which is a big turnoff for women and individuals in general.

A single mistake will leave a disappointing first impression, affecting their perceptions of you and the relationship, also affecting how it will develop.

This is especially true when dating Latina women, who are known for having tight ties to their families. It won’t only be her parents you’ll have to face and impress.

In Mexican dating culture, you’ll also have a long line of relatives waiting to question and get to know you. And because of familismo, their opinions about you will not go unnoticed.

But first, what is it?

Familismo is a cultural belief that emphasizes the importance of family commitment, dedication, and having a close relationship within the family members — even putting their needs ahead of one’s own.

Simply put, Mexicans prioritize their families over anything else. Any decision and choice they make in life, no matter how large or small, takes into account the interests and views of their family.

The question now is, how can this impact your relationship?

For such a close family, whether the parents or even one of their relatives dislike you, your partner’s decision is likely to be swayed by their judgement.

So, how to get a Latina to fall in love with you?

It’s simple. In order to impress Mexican women, you’ll need to learn how to please them and their family, and here’s a few ideas.

Mexican family huddled for a family picture
Acapulco Women Mexicans pay great importance to having an intimate relationship with family members. | Photo by Rajiv Perera on Unsplash

La Familia

Extended family, such as uncles, aunties, and cousins are accounted for as immediate families in Mexican society.

Can you recall your second cousin, whom you almost forgot about?

In Mexican society, you’d always keep in touch, and you could even live close by or under the same roof in some situations.

In this case, it will be easy to be bothered by the number of people present in the house, who will be expressing an interest in getting to know you.

But keep in mind that this is her family, and she finds each and every one of these people dear to her. As a result, it’s better if you get to know this crowd and be comfortable with how they act around you.


Mexicans, particularly the abuelas, greet and express their affection by kissing on the cheek.

Although it isn’t required, and should be based on how relaxed and at peace you are with this kind of contact, it’s better to anticipate that with the first meeting, they will definitely reach for that cheek and expect you to accept it.

Remember that when it comes to showering people with affection, abuelas can be a little sensitive.


“Lo siento, pero no hablo español,” and they also don’t presume or require you to be fluent in their language.

However impressing someone from another country will be a lot easier if you learn to speak even just a few phrases.

Learning or at least attempting the language demonstrates commitment and demonstrates how passionate you are about following their women.

Who’s to say, perhaps a quick ¿Cómo te va? (How are you?) will be followed by “I think you’d be a good fit for our baby.” from the family. They would find it endearing how you’re learning and getting out of your comfort zone to engage with them.


Your partner’s family would enjoy your efforts to engage with them, whether it’s learning that her hermano is a Patriots fan or joining her tita in watching the new episode of La Casa de las Flores.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re sincerely engaged or only trying to please them. The effort to relate is there, and that’s what matters.

A person holding a knife and slicing vegetables
Acapulco Women Latinas, especially the mothers, love it when people enjoy and appreciate their food. | Photo by Conscious Design on Unsplash

Buen Provecho

Mexicans, especially la mamá, enjoy feeding others. It’s their way of expressing love, and they think it impolite if you refuse the food they deliver.

What she cooks can be quite different from your usual consumptions — the taste, the feel — it’ll be a whole new environment.

You don’t have to like or enjoy them — everybody has different tastes — but Mexican mothers are very specific about asking or seeing if the people they’re serving are pleased with the food they’re served.

Ayudar a limpiar

Mexican mothers want their homes to be so clean that you can see yourself in them.

Jokes aside, regardless of whether you’re a visitor or not, make sure you volunteer to help clean. She would be grateful for it, even though it’s just helping set the table or washing up after the dinner.

La Intencion

Families want what’s best for one another.

They must be certain that your intentions to their daughter are pure. Since they are generally hypersexualized, you dating a Latina will be questioned.

It’s easy for the family to question your motives when it comes to getting together with their girl. Show them they have nothing to worry by being sweet and gentle with their girl. Show them they’re mistaken by being…

sé tú mismo

Simply be yourself, however the finest, kindest, most gentlemanly version of yourself. And since this is the person she fell in love with, her family will as well.

Taking care of her family and pleasing them is just a bonus — a cherry on top. Just make sure you keep this up in your relationship, not just throughout the first date.

Remember that for Latinas, family will always come first.

So, assuming you have a healthy relationship with your family, handle gers like you would your own. She will be happy if she sees you being attached to her family, sharing fun with them, and participating in conversations.

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